Since its beginning on September 1 st , 2022, VALPRO Path has already sparked an interest in local and European communities, paving the way for new plant protein landscapes.
The VALPRO Path was in the spotlight at the EFFoST conference in Dublin, the “Creative Partnerships” Conference and the First conference about alternative proteins in Serbia, which were valuable opportunities to introduce the VALPRO Path project and its ambition.
In addition, VALPRO Path was already noticed by several media outlets in Europe, like Farm Safely and Agriland in Ireland, Mondo Agricolo in Italy, Agro TV, and public broadcaster RTS in Serbia (to be aired soon).
Great relationships were established with sister projects such as BEATLES and Giant Leaps and in the first quarter of 2023 we will start at a full pace with preparing Innovation Production Systems (pilots), broadening our ecosystem and creating brighter plant protein future!