UNITO- University of Torino
Role in the project:
UNITO, as WP3 leader will: demonstrate through industry focussed pilot initiatives, the diversification of plant protein cropping systems and value chains, new circular business models and sustainability through a series of Innovative Production Systems (IPSs) focussed on new plant-protein pathways via:
● new business models with short supply chains, with on-farm processing or pre-processing (IPS1)
● early chain innovations focussed on varietal selection (IPS2) and agronomic actions (IPS3) that support Farm to Fork goals
● a system engineering approach that achieves industry’s ambitions for nutrient tracking and delivering food products that track carbon footprinting (IPS4) for full transparency to consumers.
● cross-regional production models where best locations to grow crops are exploited in synergies across Europe, and with logistics and processing value chains (IPS5).