Our Team
VALPRO Path consortium is a passionate and diverse network of partners, representing key players from Academia, real-world farming, agri-food industry, international agri and business networks, as well as farming association.

Agriculture and Food Development AuthorityTEAGASC - Agriculture and Food Development Authority of Ireland
Teagasc is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities.

Aarhus UniversityAU – Aarhus University
Established in 1928, Aarhus University has since developed into a major Danish university with a strong international reputation across the entire research spectrum.

University of TorinoUNITO - University of Torino
UNITO’s DISAFA -Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences is leading educational body when it comes to agricultural and food sector.

National Technical University of AthensNTUA
National Technical University of AthensNTUA is the top Technical University in Greece. Today NTUA has more than 7000 students, 700 academic staff employed and more than 2500 researchers.

Foodscale hub, Association for entrepreneurship and innovationFSH - Foodscale hub, Association for entrepreneurship and innovation
Foodscale Hub is an impact venture studio that targets Agri-FoodTech founders – in all parts of the agrifood value chain…

Leibniz-Zentrum für AgrarlandschaftsforschungZALF- Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung
UNITO’s DISAFA -Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences is leading educational body when it comes to agricultural and food sector.

Spanish National Research CouncilCSIC – Spanish National Research Council
The Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA) of the Spanish National Research Council, created in 1966, is a center of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

Confederazione Generale dell'Agricoltura ItalianaCONFAGRICOLTURA- Confederazione Generale dell'Agricoltura Italiana
Confagricoltura is the first organization for the protection and representation of agricultural businesses. It works for the development of farming businesses…

Agricolus is an innovative startup working in the Smart Farming sector. It was founded in February 2017 in Perugia (IT) and it aims to support farmers and professionals

Wageningen University and researchWU- Wageningen University and research
The mission of Wageningen University & Research is to explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life…

Beotanics Ltd.
Beotanics Ltd.
Beotanics Group is an agri-food company that employs 45 people and works with universities, plant-based R&D organizations…

PepsiCo, Inc. is a multinational food, snack, and beverage corporation and its business encompasses all aspects of the food and beverage market.

DIGNITY PRIVATE COMPANYThe core activities of DNY are the simulation and integration of state-of-the-art industrial processes, the design and development of new products…

Moorepark Technology Ltd.MTL - Moorepark Technology Ltd.
MTL is a joint venture company established by Teagasc with shareholders from the Irish Dairy Industry to provide commercial pilot plant and research services …

Molino Peila S.p.A.MP
Molino Peila S.p.A.Molino Peila SpA produces flours, semolinas, grits and semi-finished products from both organic and conventional farming…

Agri Benchmark
Agri Benchmark
Agri benchmark is a global, non-profit network of agricultural economists, advisors, producers and specialists in key sectors of agricultural and horticultural value chains.

farmBfarm B
farmB focuses on addressing gaps in agri-production by bringing together novel ICT and multidisciplinary expertise in precision farming. …

Fattoria Solidale del CirceoFSDC
Fattoria Solidale del Circeo is an Organic and Social Farm that transforms its crops into protein food. It has the cultivated fields and the transformation…

Prolupin GmbH
Prolupin GmbH
A group of researchers from Fraunhofer IVV Germany founded Prolupin in 2010. We employ a patented process to extract the protein from sweet

Antignano Prodotto TipicoAPT- Antignano Prodotto Tipico
APT was born in the 2000 with the aim of promoting the area through quality products made by local artisans and farmers, to be inserted in a circuit of sale – now 80% …

Kerry Group Services International Limited
Kerry Group Services International Limited
From a small dairy company in the southwest of Ireland to a global multinational in 50 years, the journey of Kerry tells a story…

KPAD Ltd can demonstrate expert knowledge in simulation and integration of state-of-the-art industrial processes, product development…
Project Coordination:
Dr. Ewen Mullins
Head of Crop Science Department at Teagasc and VALPRO Path Project Coordinator
Oak Park, Carlow R93 XE12, Ireland
Project Communication:
Prof. Dr. Mladen Radišić
CEO, Foodscale Hub
Narodnog fronta 73,
Novi Sad Serbia

VALPRO Path project is co-funded by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee.