Welcome to the VALPRO Path’s
Knowledge Point

An integrated digital hub facilitating the diffusion of knowledge, sharing project outcomes, and spotlighting emerging trends in the European Plant Proteins landscape.
The VALPRO Path Knowledge Point is your central online hub for insights into novel land-based protein productions practices, consolidating all project experiences and insights and ecnouraging multi-actor engagement. Tailored for diverse stakeholders, it presents VALPRO Path’s key concepts and Innovation Production Systems results. By enganging individuals with diverse expertise and providing easily understandable content, this online hub facilities knowledge transfer and swift acceptance of new plant protein-related information.
Project Coordination:
Dr. Ewen Mullins
Head of Crop Science Department at Teagasc and VALPRO Path Project Coordinator
Oak Park, Carlow R93 XE12, Ireland
Project Communication:
Prof. Dr. Mladen Radišić
CEO, Foodscale Hub
Narodnog fronta 73,
Novi Sad Serbia

VALPRO Path project is co-funded by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee.